As of 16:00 on December 30, 2024, according to operational data, the general fund of the state budget received about UAH 2.2 trillion of taxes, fees and mandatory payments, and revenues from the State Tax Service exceeded UAH 1 trillion. UNN writes with reference to the Ministry of Finance.
In 2024, revenues from the State Tax Service reached the target:
- UAH 270.8 billion in corporate income tax;
- UAH 267.8 billion - value added tax (UAH 425.0 billion collected, UAH 157.2 billion refunded);
- UAH 233.6 billion in personal income tax and military duty;
- UAH 133.5 billion in excise tax;
- UAH 51.8 billion in rent payments.
The State Customs Service generated revenues of about UAH 600 billion, and international grant aid to the general fund of the state budget amounted to UAH 453.6 billion.
According to preliminary data, in 2024, the general and special funds of the state budget collected more than UAH 3.1 trillion in taxes, fees and other payments. In addition, the pension and social insurance funds received UAH 546.1 billion in the form of a single social contribution (SSC).
The demand for specialists in Ukraine has reached pre-war levels, and almost 100,000 Ukrainians were retrained by the state in 2024