
One fortification "Dragon's tooth" costs from 1600 UAH to 2200 UAH - ProZorro analysis

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Regions of Ukraine are actively strengthening their borders with concrete barriers - "Dragon's teeth". Market participants explain that today there is no stable price for the so-called "dragon teeth", because the situation is constantly changing due to mass orders from regions and mobilization, which has reduced the number of employees.

The regions of Ukraine are actively strengthening their borders from the enemy. One of the most popular fortifications is the barrier pyramid or the so - called "Dragon's tooth", cast from concrete, and which is ordered by hundreds of thousands. Despite the fact that the purchase is of Strategic and defense importance, all tenders are public and anyone can check prices and supplies, reports UNN.

One of these tenders provided for the purchase of 12,000 pieces of "Dragon Teeth" (barrier pyramid). The expected cost of the tender was UAH 27,372,000, or UAH 2,281 apiece.

However, during the auction, offers from suppliers even exceeded the expected cost. One of the supplier's offers was UAH 31,212,000, or UAH 2,601 apiece. At the same time, we are talking about a direct manufacturer of concrete structures, and not "gaskets". Taking into account security measures UNN does not name the customer and participants of this tender, despite the fact that the information is freely available.

At the same time, in other tenders, the price for this dragon tooth can range from 1600 UAH. market participants explain price fluctuations by the unstable situation in the country.

There are two main reasons: simultaneous and mass orders from all regions, and the second main one is mass mobilization, which "mowed down" the ranks of employees of concrete plants.

If we talk about the market, then there is no market. There is no constant price, because it fluctuates daily due to the exchange rate, mobilization and the situation in the economy as a whole. There are no employees. Factories lost half or even more of their employees due to mobilization. And at the same time, there are crazy and simultaneous orders. It's like counting the bread market in the first month of the war. It simply did not exist and now, there are no markets in Ukraine with stable offers

- says the interlocutor.

Lilia Podolyak



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