
One-fifth of the planned number of Ukrainians have been vaccinated against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus - PHC

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Additional immunization activities against pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus are underway in Ukraine. As of September 1, 2024, 306,176 vaccinations have been performed, which is 19.6% of the planned number.

Additional immunization activities against pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus continue in Ukraine, with 306,176 vaccinations completed as of early September, 19.6% of the planned number, the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health reported on Telegram on Friday, UNN reports.

19.6% of the planned number of people were vaccinated as part of additional immunization measures against pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus as of September 1, 2024

- reported the CPC.

The agency reminded that additional immunization activities against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus (DPT) are underway in Ukraine for population groups that missed scheduled vaccinations in previous years and need to catch up.

МОЗ активізує зусилля з імунізації, щоб довакцинувати нещеплених дітей: Кузін розповів, яка ситуація08.05.24, 19:12

As of September 1, 306,176 vaccinations were reportedly performed:

  • children aged 1-6 years received 43,378 vaccinations against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus (24.7% of the planned number in this age group); 
  • children aged 7-17 years - 48,300 vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus (22.5%); 
  • adults - 209,283 vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus (18%).

"The adult population is the least active in catching up with vaccinations," the CDC noted.

"In general, the dynamics of the campaign is positive. The vaccination coverage rate in Ukraine in August is 39.4% higher compared to July, before the start of the campaign," the Center for Public Health reported.

В Україні стартує кампанія з посилення імунізації проти кашлюку, дифтерії та правця01.08.24, 15:30

Julia Shramko



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