
Occupants sent another FSB group to the occupied territories on the eve of Putin's "elections"

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Before Putin's election, Russia's FSB sent more officers to the occupied Ukrainian territories to identify members of the resistance movement and search the homes of local residents, abducting some of them to sign confessions.

The occupiers sent another group of so-called "ideologues" - FSB officers - to identify representatives of the Resistance Movement.

This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports.


According to the Ukrainian underground, the occupiers have sent another group of so-called "ideologues" - employees of the Russian Federal Security Service. The purpose of such events, in addition to propaganda purposes, is to conduct searches of the homes of local residents with the intention of identifying representatives of the Resistance Movement

- the statement said.

The occupiers pay special attention to checking personal documents, in particular, those citizens who, in their opinion, do not support Russian rhetoric and question the tasks of the so-called "svoya".


In the occupied territory of Zaporizhzhia region , Russian security forces abduct people in the middle of the street and force them to sign a confession of extremism. 

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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