
Occupants plan mass mobilization to TOT immediately after elections

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After the election, the russians are planning a mass mobilization in the occupied territories, drafting even 17-year-olds for military service.

In the temporarily occupied territories, the Russians plan to hold a mass mobilization after the election of President Putin. Even 17-year-old children will be registered for military service. This was reported by the head of Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Commissariat Yuriy Malashko, UNN reports.

In the occupied territories, racists are planning a mass mobilization immediately after the so-called elections. According to the occupiers' plans, the mobilized will become a resource for the so-called meat assaults. And it is also interesting that they started with 17-year-old Ukrainian children. That is, all of them "under the pencil." 

- Malashko said.


According to the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration, local "military commissars" in the TOT have already received an order to register all 17-year-olds for military service starting in March 2024.

Malashko also noted that in Melitopol, the invaders have intensified raids in high-rise buildings, looking for people with a pro-Ukrainian position. In addition, the occupiers continue to conduct propaganda activities among schoolchildren and students.

In particular, the occupiers organized a trip to Russia for students of the Berdiansk Orthodox Gymnasium. The children went to an event called the "Patriarchal Christmas Tree" held in the Kremlin.

Окупант змушує українців займатися колабораціонізмом – Верещук04.01.24, 14:19

Anna Onishchenko



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