
Occupants attack residents of Kherson region with drones, there are wounded

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A 71-year-old man was injured by explosives dropped from a Russian drone in Beryslav, and another man was lightly injured by explosives dropped from a drone in the village of Lvov, Kherson region.

Today, in Beryslav, the Russian army dropped an explosive object from a drone on a 71-year-old man while he was on the street, UNN reports with reference to the Kherson Regional Military Administration.


According to the OVA, the victim was diagnosed with an explosive injury and a leg injury. He was taken to a hospital for medical care.

Also last night, the occupiers dropped 6 explosives from drones on the village of Lvov in Tyahyn community.

A local resident received light injuries. Doctors treated her on the spot.

Харківська, Донецька та Херсонська області найбільш забруднені вибухонебезпечними предметами - ДСНС29.02.24, 19:24


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