
No enemy troop concentrations are observed near Kharkiv region: Syniehubov on the possibility of a second Russian offensive

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The current buildup of enemy forces near Kharkiv does not indicate an imminent offensive, but the government remains vigilant.

There is no accumulation of enemy troops near the Kharkiv region, which indicates that the enemy is not currently preparing for a second offensive in this direction. However, the situation can change at any time, said the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration Oleh Syniehubov during a briefing, according to a correspondent of UNN.

We are not currently observing or recording any accumulations. Again, the situation has not changed along the entire border line. However, we are still monitoring everything online, and our military is taking all the necessary measures to be ready for any developments. We clearly understand that the enemy has not abandoned its intentions to recapture the territories it lost during the liberation in the fall of 22 and its plans for the city of Kharkiv, for occupation. Therefore, we must be prepared for this

- Syniehubov said.


Recently, The Telegraph reported, citing its own sources, that Ukraine is likely preparing to resume a Russian offensive near Kharkiv. "The possible start date is January 15," the article said.

However, Oleh Syniehubov explained that "in order to talk about the enemy's plans for any offensive, it must concentrate units in one direction or another." However, there is currently no such concentration, so there is no objective reason to believe that the enemy will attempt to take Kharkiv and the region again in the near future.


Russian troops shelled 15 localities in Kharkiv region yesterday. The night before, the enemy launched a rocket attack on the village of Liptsy, and at night fired on Vovchansk. There were no casualties.

За менше ніж два тижні росіяни 33 рази вдарили по Харкову ракетами та "шахедами" - Офіс Генерального прокурора 04.01.24, 15:41

Anna Onishchenko



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