
Nine out of ten Europeans support humanitarian aid for Ukrainians

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An increasing number of EU citizens are expressing solidarity with Ukraine, and the war in Ukraine is one of the key issues in the list of the fifteen most important problems facing the EU. This is evidenced by the results of a new Eurobarometer poll, UNN reports.

In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, nine out of ten EU citizens express support for Ukrainians: 87% support the provision of humanitarian aid to victims of the war, and 83% approve of the acceptance of refugees from Ukraine in the European Union. 

Also, 72% of respondents support economic sanctions against the Russian government, companies and individuals, and 70% agree with providing financial support to Ukraine. Another 60% support granting Ukraine the status of an EU candidate and EU funding for the purchase of military equipment for Ukraine.

Сенат Польщі схвалив законопроєкт про допомогу українським біженцям: що він передбачає23.05.24, 15:46

Among recent crises, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has had the greatest impact on how EU citizens look to the future (42%), followed by the pandemic and other health crises (34%) and the economic and financial crisis (23%).

Also, in the list of the fifteen most important problems facing the EU, the war in Ukraine is one of the top two, gaining 35% of preferences, which is 7 percentage points more than in November last year. 

It is followed by problems such as immigration (24%), the international situation (22%) and inflation (19%). 

At the same time, inflation remains the most pressing problem for individual countries, with a score of 38%, although there has been a six percentage point decline since the last survey.


The EU is seeking to assume greater responsibility for security and defense, including creating an internal defense market, expanding production capacity, promoting joint procurement, and funding major European flagship projects such as the EU air defense shield and improving cybersecurity.


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