
Mykolaiv region: Police track down man who kidnapped 8-year-old girl

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In Mykolaiv region, police detained a 50-year-old man who kidnapped an 8-year-old girl and took her to a dugout; psychologists are now working with the traumatized child.

In Mykolaiv region, police detained an attacker who kidnapped an 8-year-old girl and took her to a dugout. Psychologists are working with the child, and her kidnapper has been notified of suspicion of illegal deprivation of liberty or kidnapping. This was reported by the National Police , UNN reports.

The police immediately took the child away and took him to a medical facility. The offender was taken to the police. ... Psychologists are working with the girl.

- reported the National Police of Ukraine.


The child's abductor was a 50-year-old man. He was a former partner of the abducted girl's grandmother.

According to the man's own testimony, he freely entered the yard of the house where the child lived, grabbed her and fled. And to prevent the child from screaming and making noise, he scared her with wolves.

According to the police, the child's sudden disappearance was noticed by her family around 8 p.m. They also expressed their suspicions that the child could have been abducted by her grandmother's former partner, who had lived with the family for a long time.

As soon as the police received the report of the girl's disappearance, they immediately launched a large-scale police search operation and created an operational headquarters.

The search for the missing woman and her abductor involved personnel from the local police department, the district police department, the nearest police stations, operatives, investigators from the investigation department, juvenile and criminal analysis specialists from the regional police department, dog handlers, military personnel and village residents.

- the National Police noted.

Law enforcement officers inspected all houses and premises in the village and the surrounding area within a radius of five  kilometers. They also inspected wells, forest belts, wastelands and fields.  They even used aerial reconnaissance to search for the child.

As a result of an active search outside the village, the police, together with the locals, found a camouflaged hiding place underground. It was in this dugout that the offender was hiding with the abducted girl.

Викрадення дітей і взяття в заручники мирного населення є одними з найжахливіших російських злочинів - Кулеба23.02.24, 18:32

The man who abducted the child was detained and served with a notice of suspicion. He is charged with "Illegal imprisonment or abduction of a person" under the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Investigators also filed a motion with the court to impose a pre-trial restraint in the form of detention on the detainee.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

Згвалтував доньку колишньої співмешканки: на Рівненщині до 7 років засудили чоловіка14.02.24, 15:12


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