Work is underway to introduce artificial intelligence into the Mriya educational app in the first half of next year. This was announced by Mykhailo Fedorov, Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Education, Science and Technology Development and Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, during a telethon on Monday, UNN reports.
We are working to introduce artificial intelligence in Diya and Mriya in the first half of next year. We have already hired a person who will be responsible for artificial intelligence in Ukraine, and we have hired a person who will be responsible for AI development. In the coming months, we will see a pilot
Fedorov explained what functions AI will perform in Mriya.
"This is building an individual educational trajectory, how to help our children find content, i.e. the system will suggest educational content, videos, books, etc. to help children develop. For teachers, it means de-bureaucratization, reduction of paperwork, and additional search for content to prepare materials," Fedorov explained.
Тестування застосунку "Мрія" пройшло в школах по всій Україні - Федоров26.12.24, 12:07
Fedorov previously reported that the Ministry of Digital Transformation is working on an AI-based assistant that will help the contact center respond to requests. The assistant's name will be Nadiia.