
MP Oleksandr Marikovskyi is suspected of false declaration of cryptocurrency worth UAH 24 million

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People's Deputy of Ukraine Oleksandr Marikovskyi was served a notice of suspicion of making false statements in his 2020 e-declaration, UNN reports citing the SAPO.

"...the prosecutor served a notice of suspicion to the current MP of Ukraine of intentionally entering knowingly false information in the declaration...", the statement reads.

According to the SAPO, the MP's actions are classified as a crime under Part 2 of Article 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Although law enforcement officers did not name the MP, UNN learned from its own sources that it is Oleksandr Marikovsky.


In 2020, the said MP declared cryptocurrency worth UAH 24.6 million, which allegedly belonged to him since 2019. However, the pre-trial investigation, which was initiated based on the NACP's materials, found that the cryptocurrency wallet, which the MP indicated in his declaration, had never actually belonged to him - all transactions for the purchase of virtual currency were carried out by citizens of another state who were in no way related to the MP.

It is also known that the detection and investigation of this crime took place under the procedural guidance of SAPO prosecutors by NABU detectives in cooperation with the competent US authorities within the framework of international legal assistance.

Anna Murashko



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