
MP: Hetmantsev generates ideas for the entire economic bloc

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MP Danylo Hetmantsev, head of the Verkhovna Rada's Tax Committee, generates controversial ideas such as a "white business club" for the entire economic bloc.

Danylo Hetmantsev, chairman of the Rada's tax committee, generates ideas for the entire economic bloc. It is possible that they are presented to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, including the creation of a "white business club"  , as very good initiatives, although in fact they are not. This opinion was expressed by MP Nina Yuzhanina in an exclusive commentary to UNN.

"I think that the President will sign (the law on the "white business club" - ed.), because it is absolutely clear that everything the head of the tax committee is doing now is approved, perhaps even directly by the President. Such a number of people who do not support Hetmantsev's actions should have long ago led to his removal from office and changed everything radically... because he is now generating his ideas for the entire economic bloc, the only one. Therefore, it seems to me that if he held it, it was an instruction and it was agreed with the President," Yuzhanina said.

She noted that she has not yet encountered a single positive expert opinion on the law on the "white business club.

"Now every day I review the opinions of experts, and I have not yet found a single positive opinion that would justify what is positive about this separate list of taxpayers, which actually requires a lot of responsible work by tax officials," Yuzhanina said.

The MP does not rule out that there will be manual intervention when the tax authorities include business representatives in the list of "white" companies.  "There will be no automation. Most likely, there will be manual intervention as well. The society, as in all other things, will feel the negative," Yuzhanina said.

At the same time, she said, foreign investors currently do not understand the criteria for business to be included in the Hetmantsev Club. "The most important thing is that no foreign investor understands either these criteria or the division of taxpayers. For them, there is a clear norm of equal, impartial and equal treatment and responsibility of all," Yuzhanina said.

She added that she advises foreign investors to ignore and comply with Ukrainian law and "not to suffer from the fact that the tax authorities have included or not included you in this list.

The MP is convinced that Hetmantsev's initiative will not last long. "And time must show, all voters must appreciate it and somehow reach the President, who covers up actions of this nature. Perhaps this is being presented to him as super, hyper ideas that are necessary for Ukraine, and he perceives it that way - well, then we are in a dead end. On the one hand, there will be Mr. Hetmantsev, on the other hand, there is no understanding and no one to explain that this is not the case," Yuzhanina noted.


The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has passed the scandalous draft law on the "white business club" by the head of the parliament's tax committee, Danylo Hetmantsev. The document was criticized by both Mr. Hetmantsev's colleagues in parliament and experts. Even legal opinions stated that it did not comply with Ukrainian law. For the law to come into force, it must be signed by the President. The head of state also has the right to veto the document.

In comments to UNN, economic experts pointed out that the document violates the Constitution of Ukraine and creates discriminatory conditions in the business environment.

Analysts of the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs also concluded that Hetmantsev's draft law contains discriminatory norms and has corruption risks .  

Business Ombudsman Roman Vashchuk also stated that the draft law on the "white business club" is discriminatory.


Earlier, UNN described how social media reacted to Hetmantsev's initiative to create a "white business club." Ukrainians, in particular, believe that his bill is an instruction manual for milking a half-dead cow, and that the parliamentarian himself is a disaster for the Ukrainian economy. 

Lilia Podolyak



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