
More than 60% of Ukrainians use state online services - study

 • 21622 переглядiв

A recent survey showed that more than 60% of Ukrainians, especially among young people, use government e-services at least once a year. However, among the obstacles to using these services are uncertainty about data security and the lack of the necessary technical base.

More than 60% of Ukrainians in the survey said they use state electronic services. Such data of the sociological survey were reported by Anton Hrushetsky, deputy director of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, during a briefing, the correspondent of UNN reports.

As of now, 64% of Ukrainians (51% of them say they use the Diia app), in fact, every second adult Ukrainian remembers using at least one state electronic service during the year. This figure was about the same a year ago, but we have seen a steady increase over the past few years. That is, government e-services are becoming a normal part of life,

- Anton Grushetsky said.


However, the issue of age is relevant. Hrushetsky noted that the vast majority of young people used online services. And among older people, there is a decline in use to about 30%.

Among the advantages of electronic public services, respondents primarily noted time and effort savings, the ability to avoid discomfort, convenience, and a reduction in the influence of the human factor.

At the same time, the barriers include a lack of confidence in the security of personal data, a lack of the necessary technical base, and the need to improve some services.

У моряків з'явилася своя Е-Черга для отримання послуг 26.01.24, 03:00

Anna Onishchenko



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