
Media: Schools and kindergartens buy food at clearly inflated prices in region controlled by Groysman's allies

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Educational institutions in Vinnytsia region controlled by Groysman's party regularly buy products at clearly inflated prices, such as eggs, sugar, salt, milk, and breadcrumbs.

In the Vinnytsia region, where most communities are controlled by representatives of Groysman's Ukrainian Strategy, the price offers at tenders for some food products for schools and kindergartens are clearly overstated. This conclusion was reached by the local "20 Minutes"after analyzing the results of the bidding, UNN writes.

In particular, the publication notes that the average price for a dozen eggs in Vinnytsia region is 55.11 UAH. Mostly educational institutions purchased this product at a price slightly higher than the average. In some tenders, the price of a dozen eggs reached 65 UAH.

With the average price of sugar in the region at UAH 31 per kilogram, most educational institutions, among the recently published tenders, purchase sugar in the range of UAH 35 to 37. The highest price offer was 38 UAH.

The situation with salt for schools and kindergartens in Vinnytsia region is interesting. The average cost of a kilogram of this product in the region is almost UAH 33 per kilogram. However, the journalists of the publication found tenders where salt was purchased at 60 hryvnias per kilogram.

Область, яку контролюють однопартійці Гройсмана, "завалила" будівництво укриттів для шкіл за кошти державної субвенції20.02.24, 10:40

The same goes for milk, a liter of which costs an average of 37 hryvnias in Vinnytsia region. But there are educational institutions that manage to buy it for twice as much. At the same time, there are those that buy milk at a price below the average.

As for breadcrumbs, while the average cost is UAH 75 per kilogram, there are tenders where the price is almost half that, and others where it exceeds UAH 100 per kilogram.

At the same time, butter and oil  are almost the only products that educational institutions in Vinnytsia Oblast buy at prices that are on par with the regional average.

Навести лад: чому партію Гройсмана на Вінниччині варто було відірвати від бюджетного пирога20.12.23, 10:20

Zakhar Podkidyshev



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