
Man to be tried in Rivne region for robbery of women, grenade threats to law enforcement officers and arsenal of weapons at home

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A man will be tried for robbery, assault and weapons possession after he broke into a house with an axe and a gun, threatened police with a grenade and was found with an arsenal in his home.

On the night of February 1, a man broke into a woman's home in Dubno region with an ax and a gun and demanded money. After inflicting numerous injuries on the women, he fled. Later, when the police tried to detain him, he began threatening the police with a grenade. The police of Rivne region told about the brazen robber, UNN reports.

In the middle of the night, a 42-year-old attacker attacked women from the village of Bondari with a gun and an axe: he beat them, shot them in the chest and head, and demanded money. And during his arrest by the police, he pulled out a grenade and threatened to blow them all up. The brazen crime took place in Dubno region on the night of February 1.

- the police said.


According to the police, around four in the morning, frightened and bloody neighbors of 79 and 58 years old knocked on the door of a resident of the village of Bondari. The women said that a man dressed in white had broken into their house through the window at night. He demanded money and hit them with an ax and shot at them. However, the robber fled without receiving any money from the women. The women managed to get out of the house and seek help.

Both women were hospitalized with gunshot wounds and cut wounds. Their lives are not currently in danger.

The leadership of the National Police, investigative teams of the regional department and Dubno district police department, a forensic laboratory, dog handlers, explosives experts immediately arrived at the scene, and quadcopters were sent into the air.

Нацполція викрили банду розбійників, які грабували "криптовалютників"23.01.24, 21:10

In accordance with the order of the head of the Rivne regional police, a special interception operation was announced. Police officers from Dubno and former Zdolbuniv districts were alerted. Law enforcement officers blocked roads and began searching for the robber who attacked the women in Bondary.

Around 7 a.m., the cops saw a man in a white camouflage suit in the middle of a snowy field near a neighboring village. When the attacker realized that he had been exposed, he first tried to run away, but as the police approached, he adopted a different strategy - he turned to the police and pulled the pin from a grenade, threatening to blow them all up.

The head of the regional criminal police, Roman Ivashchenko, entered the negotiations: he talked to him, calmed him down, and offered to surrender. In a few minutes, he managed to convince the man. Surrounded by police officers, he brought the ammunition to a safe condition and put it on the ground.

The robber was a 42-year-old resident of the village of Molodavo, previously convicted of illegal handling of weapons and property crimes. During his arrest, the SBU seized a device for firing rubber bullets of the revolver type, ammunition, cartridges, shell casings, an RGD-5 combat grenade with a fuse, an ax and other material evidence.

Law enforcement officers also found weapons during a search of his apartment. In particular, the offender  kept 200 grams of explosives, a bat with a metal tip, a mine casing, three more pistols and more than 1,500 rounds of ammunition of various calibers, as well as a rocket launcher.

Investigators initiated a pre-trial investigation into the robbery combined with grievous bodily harm committed under martial law. With the approval of the Prosecutor's Office, the offender was served a notice of suspicion under Part 4 Art. 187 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

- the police said

Today, on February 2, the court imposed a pre-trial restraint of 60 days in custody on the suspect.

Розбійний напад на Київщині: били обухом від сокири, металевим ланцюгом, руками та ногами15.12.23, 18:56


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