In 2018, Pavel Durov had lunch with Emmanuel Macron. During this meeting, the French president suggested that the Telegram boss move his company's headquarters to Paris. But the Russian entrepreneur rejected the offer.
This was reported by the Wall Street Journal, according to UNN.
In 2018, Telegram founder Pavel Durov met with French President Emmanuel Macron in an attempt to convince him to move the company's headquarters to Paris. According to the WSJ, the meeting was part of Macron's broader strategy to position France as a center of technological innovation.
Perhaps this episode is indicative of Durov's complicated relationship with several foreign governments, including the French government. Several governments have been very concerned about Telegram, especially the links between the social platform and members of various organizations, including dissident groups, Islamist militants, drug traffickers, and cybercriminals.
For years, Telegram ignored subpoenas and court orders, which accumulated in a mailbox that was rarely checked
Telegram is a convenient messenger for publishing news and communicating. The company was founded by Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov in 2013.
Currently, Telegram competes with other online networks such as WhatsApp, Instagram, WeChat, and TikTok. The platform is based in Dubai (UAE) and has more than 900 million users worldwide,
Суд у Франції звільнив з-під варти Павла Дурова: що відомо28.08.24, 17:36