
Kyiv uncovers a large-scale fraud involving the theft of military clothing worth over UAH 3.6 million

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In Kyiv, law enforcement officers uncovered a large-scale theft and sale of military clothing from a military unit.

In Kyiv, law enforcement officers uncovered a large-scale deal to steal military clothing from a unit and sell it at dumping prices. UNN reports with reference to the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation.


SBI officers jointly with the SBU uncovered and blocked a criminal scheme of misappropriation and sale of property of one of the Kyiv terrorist defense brigades. The organized criminal group consisted of servicemen who ensured the write-off of military property, as well as civilians who were engaged in its sale

- the SBI said in a statement.

Reportedly, the criminal scheme was organized by a civilian who had influence over some of the military personnel under his control. Through them, he stole bulletproof vests, helmets, winter/summer clothing sets, shoes, etc. from the unit.

The stolen goods were taken from the military unit to an improvised warehouse in one of the garage premises in the capital.

The criminals stole at least UAH 3.6 million worth of items. The exact amount will be known after investigative actions and examinations

- the SBI said.

During the searches, law enforcement officers found large stocks of material property that the members of the criminal group intended to sell online. They cut off the tags from the products, which indicated that the property was the property of the Armed Forces and was not intended for sale.

The organizer and 2 people, one of whom is a military officer, were detained red-handed during the sale of military property worth over UAH 2 million with a "discount" of almost 50%, the SBI said. 

У Британії викрали військову форму для українських бійців27.02.24, 04:10


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