
Italy bans yoga for puppies

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In Italy, "yoga for puppies" has been banned due to concerns about the welfare of puppies used in such classes.

The Italian Ministry of Health has banned "yoga for puppies" because of concerns about the puppies used, CNN writes, reports UNN.


"Puppy yoga is a phenomenon that has taken the world and social media by storm in a short time. In several cities in Europe, the US, and Australia, people can exercise in the company of puppies.

The head of the Italian Ministry of Health, Giovanni Leonardi, says that training with puppies falls under the Italian law on interference with animal welfare.

This means that only adult dogs can be used in yoga classes. This is to protect the health and well-being of the puppies as well as the safety of the users

Leonardi says.

This decision followed an investigation in March by the popular Italian news program Striscia la Notizia, which claimed that puppies were mistreated at various yoga centers.

Жінка у Києві викинула двомісячне цуценя з вікна 7-го поверху, їй повідомили про підозру04.12.23, 16:00

Lilia Podolyak



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