
International community demands to stop Yemeni Houthis' attacks on ships in the Red Sea

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Global coalition calls on Houthis to stop attacks in the Red Sea, release prisoners; US emphasizes maritime security, hinting at support for Iran.

The international community demands that the Yemeni Houthis stop attacking merchant ships in the Red Sea and release all illegally detained vessels and their crews. This is stated in a joint statement by the governments of the United States, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom  published on the White House website, UNN reports.

We call for an immediate end to these illegal attacks and the release of the illegally detained vessels and crews. The Houthis will be held accountable for the consequences if they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and the free flow of trade in the region's critical waterways. We remain committed to the rules-based international order and are determined to hold perpetrators accountable for their illegal seizures and attacks.

- the governments said in a statement.


Attacks by Yemeni Houthis on a commercial vessel threaten "navigational rights and freedoms" in the Red Sea and are a "global challenge" that requires a "global response," the United States  told the UN Security Council on Wednesday. In particular, US Ambassador to the UN Chris Lu believes that the situation in the Red Sea is at a tipping point.

During the council's meeting just over two weeks ago, many delegations expressed the view that the council has an obligation to help ensure the unimpeded free flow of legitimate transit through the Red Sea. Today, in light of the council's broad support, the United States believes we are at a tipping point.

- said Chris Lu, U.S. Representative to the United Nations.

He also emphasized that these attacks have serious implications for maritime security, international shipping and trade, and undermine the fragile humanitarian situation in Yemen, harming the international community's ability to provide assistance to more than 21 million people in need.

Chris Lu also accused Iran of facilitating Houthi attacks. At the same time, he called on all participating states to comply with the UN resolution.

Iran has assisted such Houthi operations, and since 2015, it has provided advanced weapons systems to the Houthis, including unmanned aerial systems, surface-to-air cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles used to attack maritime vessels... We also know that Iran has been actively involved in planning operations against commercial vessels in the Red Sea. The United States does not seek confrontation with Iran. Iran has a choice here. It can continue on its current course or it can withdraw support, without which it would be difficult for the Houthis to effectively track and strike commercial vessels passing through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden shipping lanes.

- Chris Lu explained his position.

Finally, the US representative to the UN added: "Let us remember that the provision of weapons and related materiel of all types to the Houthis is a violation of this Council's resolution 2216. All member states must honor their obligations under this resolution.

Tatiana Salganik



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