
In Zaporizhzhia, 19 towns and villages came under enemy fire: occupants struck 86 times

 • 29467 переглядiв

Russians struck 86 times in Zaporizhzhia over the last day. 19 towns and villages came under enemy fire. This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Yuriy Malashko, UNN reports.


It is noted that the invaders shelled Mala Tokmachka, Novoivanivka and Novouspenske with a multiple rocket launcher system, and attacked Gulyaypole, Chervone, Malynivka, Levadne, Poltava, Robotyno, Pyatikhatky and Chervonodniprovka with 19 drones.

64 artillery shells hit the territory of Novoandriivka, Novodanylivka, Novodarivka, Levadne, Malynivka, Omelnyk, Charyve, Kamianske, Stepove, Lobkove and other frontline settlements.

There were 7 reports of residential buildings being destroyed. There were no casualties

Malashko informed.

З’явилися подробиці нічного удару "Іскандером" по Слов'янську, ракета влучила у керамічний цех27.01.24, 08:30

Lilia Podolyak



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