
In the Toretsk direction, the enemy maintains the activity of its combat operations by aviation - Voloshin

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Over the past day, Ukrainian defenders repelled 55 enemy attacks in the Pokrovsky direction and 15 in Toretsk, causing significant losses to the enemy, including more than 300 invaders were killed or wounded, as well as destroyed tanks, armored vehicles and other weapons.

Over the past day, Ukrainian defenders have repelled large-scale enemy attacks in the Pokrovsky and Donetsk directions, including 55 attempts to break through in the Pokrovsky direction and 15 in Toretsky. This was stated by the speaker of the OSUV "Khortytsia" Nazar Voloshin on the air of the telethon, the correspondent of UNN reports.

Over the past day, our defenders in the Pokrovsky direction repelled 55 enemy attacks in the areas of the settlements of Novoaleksandrovka, Vozdvizhenka, Karlovka, Nevelskoye, Sokol, Yevgenyevka, Novoselovka Pervaya and Novopokrovskoye. There, the enemy tried to push our units out of the occupied borders. However, our defense forces rebuffed the enemy

he said.

According to Voloshin, the enemy used all available means of Fire destruction, including aviation, artillery, combat vehicles and drones. At the same time, he noted that the Ukrainian military inflicted significant losses on the enemy.

The enemy's losses amount to more than 300 invaders - destroyed and wounded. A tank, several armored vehicles, cannons and a car were also destroyed

he said.

He says that active military operations are underway in the Toretsk direction.

In the Donetsk direction, the enemy supports its active combat operations with aircraft that strike with cubes. Over the past day, 15 attacks were successfully repelled there, in the areas of the settlements of Severnoye, New York and Toretsk

Voloshin added.


During the past day there were 161 military clashes. In the Pokrovsky direction, the enemy is most actively attacking from the Ocheretyany direction. And this activity costs him extremely dearly, during the day the enemy lost 314 people here killed and wounded.

Українські війська успішно уразили пункт управління мотострілецького полку23.06.24, 09:00

Iryna Kolesnik



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