
In Russia, the head of the Investigative Committee proposed to return the practice of the death penalty

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There is talk of abolishing the moratorium on the death penalty in Russia. The head of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bastrykin, said that the practice of the death penalty is relevant, given the statistics of serious crimes in Russia.

The official proposed to cancel the current moratorium on the death penalty in Russia in connection with the increase in the number of serious crimes. Writes UNN citing RosSMI.


The Russian Federation has announced the return of the death penalty, according to the chairman of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin.

"I still have a big question: why don't we lift the moratorium, given that the number of serious crimes is growing, and return the death penalty to our legislation?" - Bastrykin said at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

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He cited the March 22, 2024, terrorist attack on a concert hall in Crocus City Hall that killed 145 people.

"...I am in favor of the death penalty. Although I talk about humanism, it will be very humane when a maniac has killed 70, 80, 100 people and he is sentenced to capital punishment," the official reported.

The head of the Russian sk also gave an example from the past:

"In Soviet times, the death penalty could be imposed for the aggravated murder of two and three persons, then these 15 defendants [in the case of the terrorist attack in Crocus - ed.] will receive a maximum of life imprisonment. What does that mean? Three meals a day, two-hour walks. I can't afford to take a two-hour walk, I don't have time for that..."- explained Bastrykin. 

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Ihor Telezhnikov

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