
In Bukovyna, more than 5 thousand men were put on the wanted list for failure to appear at the TCC and JV

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More than 5,000 men in the Chernivtsi region were put on the wanted list for failing to report to the territorial center for recruitment and social support.

In Chernivtsi region, more than 5,000 people liable for military service have been put on the wanted list for failing to report to the territorial center for recruitment and social support. This was reported by Major Tetyana Gaydashchuk, head of the public relations service of the Chernivtsi Regional Center for Recruitment and Social Support, in a commentary for the publication Espresso.Zakhid , UNN reports.


The communicator of the Chernivtsi JCCC and JFO noted that these are those persons liable for military service who were notified by representatives of the JCCC and JFO, employers or other authorized persons.

It is noted that almost 30 thousand persons liable for military service, whose data is included in the electronic register "Oberih", have not arrived at the TCC and JV to clarify their data or to perform military service.

Therefore, the military has to conduct alerts  and remind citizens that defending the homeland is a constitutional duty. More than 80 percent of the military who carry out alerts have been transferred to the TCC and JV from combat units.

- she emphasized.

The TCC once again called on citizens to treat servicemen with respect and to understand that mobilization activities are carried out to protect the state.


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