
In an attempt to legalize gauleiters of the occupied territories, russia sent pushilin to Uzbekistan - Resistance

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russia has sent the leader of the so-called "dpr" denis pushilin to Uzbekistan as part of a russian delegation in an attempt to legitimize him as a representative of the territories occupied by russia.

The leader of the so-called "dpr" denis pushilin visited a chemical technology park in Uzbekistan. This was reported by the National Resistance Center, UNN reported.


On April 3, 2024, the so-called "head of the dpr" denis pushilin was part of a russian delegation to Uzbekistan, where they visited the Chirchik Chemical and Industrial Technopark in the Tashkent region.

Sprotyv believes that the purpose of this trip may be to try to legalize pushylin as a representative of the territory captured by russia.

By including a gauleiter of the TOT of Donetsk region in a russian delegation that visited a russian industrial facility in Uzbekistan, the kremlin is trying to gradually legalize its proxies on the TOT. Allegedly, they are perceived as legitimate representatives of the territories "annexed" to russia, thus legitimizing the seized territories

- the post says.

The Resistance notes that local media did not mention pushilin's presence in the delegation. At the same time, the information about the visit was presented as an exchange of experience and a potential opportunity to attract investment from Uzbekistan to implement projects in the TOT.

At the same time, the russian occupation administration in the TOT of Donetsk region is actively promoting plans to create Azovstal on the basis of the destroyed plant.

This project is part of a broader strategy of the occupiers aimed at promoting the "restoration" of the economy of the occupied territories and erasing the memory of what life looked like in these settlements before the russian occupation. It is important to note that Azovstal is not just an industrial facility. It is a symbol of Ukrainian resistance to russian aggression. Using the plant's territory for the occupiers' "eco-technopark" will be another act of mockery of the memory of the fallen defenders of Mariupol. The international community must condemn the occupiers' plans for a "technology park" at Azovstal and take measures to prevent the aggressor from circumventing international sanctions

- Sprotyv adds.


The Security Service of Ukraine served a notice of suspicion to the leaders of the "dpr" terrorist organization denis pushilin, artem zhoza and vladimir vysotsky, who organized pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied part of Donetsk region with massive fraud and staged video materials.

Окупанти пускають під ніж українські шахти – Центр спротиву26.04.24, 03:58

Anastasia Ryabokon



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