
IAEA records another shelling of the territory of the occupied ZNPP

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IAEA experts have recorded another drone strike on the russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, but this time it did not pose a threat to the nuclear facility.

IAEA experts  recorded another drone strike on the territory of the russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. This time, there was no threat to the nuclear facility. This was reported by UNN with reference to the IAEA's statement on social network X.


Analysts emphasize that this time the drone strike did not pose a threat to the nuclear facility, but this once again emphasizes the extremely serious situation at ZNPP.

The IAEA has informed ZNPP of today's drone attack on the ZNPP training center adjacent to the site. Reports of the explosion are consistent with the observations of the IAEA team

- the post reads. 


Earlier, russian propagandists reported a new drone strike on the territory of ZNPP. According to the occupiers, the drone hit the roof of the training center building , and there were no casualties.

The occupiers once again claimed that the attack was allegedly carried out by the Ukrainian military. 

Реактор ЗАЕС отримав три прямі влучання — МАГАТЕ07.04.24, 23:22


US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said that the US is monitoring the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, where the IAEA had recorded the fall of a combat UAV the day before. The White House calls on russia not to play dangerous games and instead to transfer control of the nuclear power plant to Ukraine.


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