
Hospitalized with multiple electric burns: a teenager was injured on the railway near Odessa

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According to the police, the teenager was found in a state of shock by workers who were repairing electronic lines nearby. They used a ladder to remove him from the car and handed him over to the employees of the emergency medical service called to the scene.

In the Odessa District , a 13-year-old boy climbed onto a freight car and was electrocuted. According to law enforcement officers, the guy was hospitalized with multiple electric Burns, reports UNN.

Previously, the police established that a 13-year-old boy got out on a freight car and was electrocuted. The teenager was found in a state of shock by workers who were repairing electronic lines nearby. They used a ladder to remove him from the car and handed him over to the employees of the emergency medical service called to the scene.

The guy was hospitalized with multiple electric burns of 2-3 degrees of the torso and limbs.

The police establish all the circumstances of the incident, after which she will be granted a legal qualification.

Грався з другом біля залізниці і видерся на вагон: під Києвом 11-річного хлопчика вразило струмом17.04.24, 18:09

Antonina Tumanova

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