
Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Congo opened in Uzhhorod

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An Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was opened in Uzhhorod, covering the Zakarpattia, Lviv, and Rivne regions of Ukraine.

The Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was opened in Uzhhorod with a consular district covering the territories of Zakarpattia, Lviv and Rivne regions. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The official opening ceremony of the Honorary Consulate of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Uzhhorod on March 22 was attended by the Special Representative of Ukraine for the Middle East and Africa Maksym Subkh. The event was also attended by a delegation of high-ranking representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Francophonie of the DRC.

Maxim Subh expressed his gratitude to the Congolese side for supporting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Ukraine is making consistent efforts to intensify relations with the African continent. Pursuant to the instruction of the President of Ukraine, Ukraine's diplomatic missions will be officially opened in a number of African countries, including the Democratic Republic of Congo

said Maksym Subkh.

Зеленський привітав нового головуючого в Африканському Союзі: "Готові до взаємовигідної співпраці"19.02.24, 09:41


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