
"Hezbollah says it attacked a military base in northern Israel with drones

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"Hezbollah attacked an Israeli military base in Safed with attack drones. The IDF said there were no casualties as a result of the attack.

The Lebanese military group Hezbollah announced a drone attack on a key Israeli military base in Safed. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


Hezbollah said it carried out the attack in response to Israeli strikes on Monday and earlier on its senior representative and a Hamas official.  

Іран погрожує США після смерті одного з лідерів “Хамас” у Лівані03.01.24, 15:42

The militants claim to have launched several attack UAVs. Later, an Israeli army spokesperson said that the northern base was hit by an air attack, but there were no casualties. 

The spokesman also did not say where the incident took place.

This is the second attack on a major Israeli military base in recent days. On Saturday, the Mount Meron air base was attacked.


A few hours before the attack on Safed, an Israeli drone struck a car in southern Lebanon. Three people were killed in the strike, but there is no confirmation of who they were.

The newspaper noted that the sharp escalation between Israel and Hezbollah has heightened fears that Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza threatens to spread to the entire region.


The deputy leader of the Hamas terrorist group Saleh al-Aruri was killed as a result of an explosion in the Lebanese capital.

ЦАХАЛ попереджає, що буде боротися з "Хезболлою", оскільки ліванське угрупування атакує територію Ізраїлю18.12.23, 11:57

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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