
He was in charge of a filtration camp in Zaporizhzhia: National Police serves suspicion notice to russian FSB officer

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Ukrainian law enforcement officers served a notice of suspicion to an officer of the russian Federal Security Service in connection with his role in a "filtration camp" in Zaporizhzhia region during the occupation.

Ukrainian law enforcement officers have served a notice of suspicion to the curator of a filtration camp that russians set up in Zaporizhzhia region during the occupation of the region. This was reported by the National Police of Ukraine, UNN reports.


The occupiers set it up on the territory of the temporary detention center No. 2 of the Kamiansko-Dniprovskyi department of the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhia region. According to preliminary estimates, up to a hundred people were held there during the occupation.

Those who managed to escape are currently giving statements to Ukrainian police. 

В Україні судитимуть полковника фсб рф, який катував цивільних на Херсонщині19.01.24, 13:56

The National Police investigators have already identified the curator of the filtration camp in the building of the Kamiansko-Dniprovskyi police department. It was a 28-year-old russian FSB officer who organized the illegal detention of citizens with an active Ukrainian position, searches of their personal property and interrogations with the use of physical violence and mock executions.

Under the procedural control of the Prosecutor General's Office, he was served a notice of suspicion for violation of the laws and customs of war (Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), which provides for up to 15 years in prison 

- the National Police said.

Law enforcers emphasize that the pre-trial investigation to identify his accomplices in the building of the Kamiansko-Dniprovskyi police department is ongoing.

Ukrainian police continue to collect a complete evidence base to prosecute Russia for crimes of genocide against Ukrainians at the national and international levels.


Within the framework of criminal proceedings, investigators managed to identify the tools and methods of the russian FSB, which are used to implement a system of filtering measures. It is aimed at identifying and morally breaking Ukrainians and further destroying the Ukrainian nation.  

For this purpose, stationary checkpoints, foot and mobile patrol groups, interrogation centers, filtration camps, torture chambers and places of detention have been established. In total, the National Police investigators have identified 67 places of detention for Ukrainians, 42 of which are located in russia. 

The first stage involves stationary checkpoints and patrol groups, which are actively assisted by local traitors and collaborators. Citizens are detained and identified: those who are recognized as loyal to the occupiers are registered and issued Russian passports.

На деокупованій Харківщині виявлено найбільшу в Україні кількість катівень рф17.01.24, 15:46

Others are taken to torture chambers where they are subjected to physical and sexual violence, electric shocks, moral pressure, and more.

If the detainees change their position in favor of the occupation authorities, they are released. Some are given certificates that they have been filtered or "fingerprinted." As a rule, most of them leave the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and flee to the unoccupied territory or abroad

- the National Police summarized.

Instead, Ukrainians who have been tortured and have not changed their views are taken to places of detention in the temporarily occupied territories or to Russia. 

Some prisoners face unfounded charges and sentences. They are accused of extremism or involvement in terrorist organizations. Later they migrate to different colonies.

It is noted that in each place of detention, they are constantly subjected to torture and moral abuse, and are kept in inhumane conditions. Some die from torture.


Law enforcers have served suspicion notices of violation of the laws and customs of war on two militants who tortured more than 500 people in the largest torture chamber located in Kharkiv region.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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