
Harris receives support from Nobel Prize winners: representatives of various sciences call Trump a potential threat

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Dozens of economists, including two who have just won the Nobel Prize, argue that Kamala Harris's economic program is better than Donald Trump's. In addition, 82 laureates wrote an open letter calling Trump a potential threat to progress, in the context of the climate threat.

Written by UNN with references to The Guardian and The New York Times.

We, the undersigned, believe that Kamala Harris would be a much better steward of our economy than Donald Trump, and we support her candidacy

- The 23 Nobel Prize winners in economics said in a statement.

The letter notes that “everyone has different views on the details of different economic policies,” but that Harris' economic program as a whole “will improve investment, sustainability, resilience, job opportunities, and equity, unlike Donald Trump's counterproductive economic program.

Also, more than 80 Nobel Prize winners endorsed Kamala Harris for president, warning that Donald Trump would “jeopardize any gains in living standards” given his previous proposals for huge cuts in science funding.

Гарріс назвала Трампа "фашистом", який хоче "безконтрольної влади"24.10.24, 04:19

In an open letter, a copy of which was obtained by The New York Times, 82 US Nobel Prize winners in physics, chemistry, economics, and medicine stated that “this is the most consequential presidential election in a long time, perhaps ever, for the future of science and the United States.

Трамп вперше обігнав Гарріс у передвиборчому опитуванні21.10.24, 11:51

In addition, the letter calls Trump a potential threat to progress, which could “jeopardize any gains in our standard of living and impede our response to climate change.

For reference

Among the Nobel laureates who joined in expressing their position on the US presidential candidates are representatives of various fields, including economists, physicists, immunologists, and others.

Among them are signatories who won this month's Nobel Prize, such as molecular biologist Gary Rovkun, chemist David Baker, physicist John Hopfield, and economist Daron Acemoglu.

Трамп порівняв США зі "сміттєвим баком" та розкрив нові плани щодо мігрантів25.10.24, 17:29

Ihor Telezhnikov

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