
Hamas considers ceasefire and hostage offer - CNN

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Hamas is considering Egypt's proposal for a ceasefire with Israel, which provides for the release of 33 hostages in exchange for a pause in the fighting in Gaza.

Hamas is considering a new framework proposal offered by Egypt, which provides for the release of 33 hostages kidnapped in Israel in exchange for a pause in hostilities in Gaza. This was reported to CNN by an Israeli source familiar with the negotiations, as well as a foreign diplomatic source, UNN reports


The proposal, which Israel helped draft but has not fully accepted, has two phases, the first of which is the release of 20 to 33 hostages over several weeks in exchange for a pause and the release of Palestinian prisoners. The second phase is what sources have called "the restoration of a sustainable calm," during which the remaining hostages, captured Israeli soldiers, and hostage bodies would be exchanged for more Palestinian prisoners.

A diplomatic source familiar with the talks said that the reference to "sustained calm" was "a way of agreeing to a permanent ceasefire without calling it that.

According to CNN, if a deal is not reached, Israel is likely to launch a large-scale ground invasion of the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, where more than 1 million Palestinians have taken refuge. Israel's allies, including the United States, have warned against this operation because of the possibility of large civilian casualties.

Обговорили ситуацію в Газі: Байден провів телефонну розмову з Нетаньяху29.04.24, 00:35

A working Israeli delegation consisting of representatives of the Mossad, Shin Bet and the Israeli military is expected to arrive in Cairo on Tuesday, an Israeli source and another Israeli official said.

According to an Israeli source, the duration of the first pause in hostilities will depend on the number of hostages released, with the latest agreements providing for a one-day pause for each hostage, although this figure is expected to change after more detailed negotiations. 

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said on Monday that Hamas has received a ceasefire offer that is "extremely generous on Israel's part.

"At this point, the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire is Hamas. They (Hamas - ed.) have to make a decision, and they have to make a decision quickly. [I hope they make the right decision," he said.

Earlier , UNN reportedthat US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken arrived on a visit to Saudi Arabia to discuss the Middle East crisis.

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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