
General Staff clarifies the procedure for recruiting volunteers to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

 • 22730 переглядiв

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine explains the procedure for recruiting volunteers, which includes online job platforms, territorial recruitment centers, interviews, medical and psychological screening, basic training and assignment to priority or non-priority military units with the written consent of commanders.

Explanation of the Main Personnel Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on recruiting volunteers. This is reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports.


In response to recently published videos on the Internet, the Main Personnel Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine provides clarifications on the procedure for recruiting citizens who wish to voluntarily join the Armed Forces during mobilization with written consent from military unit commanders.

The procedure for attracting volunteers:

1. Online job search platforms: Ukrainian citizens can find out about vacant positions in the Armed Forces of Ukraine through online platforms such as Lobby X,,, and OLX job.

2. Territorial recruitment and social support centers (TSCs and SPs): Candidates receive information about available vacancies through TCC and SP, recruitment centers of military branches and recruitment centers at ASCs.

3. Interview and written consent: After the interview with authorized representatives of military units, candidates receive written consent (letters of recommendation) from the commanders of military units of priority recruitment.

4. Medical and psychological selection: After obtaining written consent, candidates undergo a professional psychological screening and a medical examination (MEC) at the TCC and JV.

5. Basic training: Candidates are sent to training military units for basic general military training, after which they are assigned to military units in accordance with the written consent received.

Priority and non-priority military units:

- Priority units: The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly updates information on military units that are prioritized for manning.

- Non-priority units: Commanders of non-priority military units must submit a petition with justification and lists of candidates to the relevant military command and control bodies. These bodies summarize the information and send it to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to obtain permission to recruit and send them to non-priority military units after basic training.

В армії співвідношення добровольців та мобілізованих становить 1:3 – Міноборони12.06.24, 14:32


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