
G7 condemns Iranian arms exports to russia

 • 57725 переглядiв

The G7 foreign ministers strongly condemned Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to russia. They called on Iran to stop exporting military technology and promised to take new measures against it.

G7 foreign ministers condemned the export of Iranian weapons to russia. This was reported by the Italian Foreign Ministry, UNN reports.


The foreign ministers of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the EU High Representative, have expressed their strong condemnation of Iran's supply of ballistic missiles to the terrorist country.

In a joint statement, G7 representatives emphasized that such actions by Iran, despite numerous international calls to stop, only contribute to the escalation of the military conflict in Ukraine.

The ministers emphasized that russia's aggression is a gross violation of international law, in particular the UN Charter.

They called on Iran to immediately stop supplying military technology to the terrorist country and promised to take new measures to bring Iran to justice.

Іран напряму постачає зброю росії через Каспійське море: Захід не може цьому перешкоджати - CNN26.05.23, 13:33 • [views_540210]

Julia Kotwicka



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