
fsb opens four more cases against russian oppositionist Ponomaryov

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russia's fsb has opened four more criminal cases against opposition leader Ilya Ponomarev, who lives in Ukraine, accusing him of treason, participation in a terrorist organization and public calls for terror.

The russian fsb has opened additional criminal cases against oppositionist Ilya Ponomarev, who lives in Ukraine. This is reported by the russian media, UNN reports.


According to the russian media, Ponomaryov is accused of high treason, participation in a terrorist organization and public calls for terror. It is specified that the cases are united in a single proceeding.

The fsb report also states that Ponomarev is accused of participating in the activities of the Freedom of Russia Legion, which is fighting on the side of Ukraine. The fsb also claims that in April 2022, Ponomarev was on the territory of the Azovstal plant, which was attacked by the russian army, and was in contact with the commanders of the Azov regiment.

Ponomarev commented on the news on his Facebook page, noting that he continues to fight putinism.

Earlier, a criminal case was opened against Ponomarev under the article on participation in the activities of an undesirable organization. In 2022, the Ministry of the Interior put him on the wanted list and arrested him in absentia for an article about the so-called fakes about the russian army.

G7 розглядає варіант використання російських активів як застави для залучення коштів для України - Bloomberg05.02.24, 11:20

Anastasia Ryabokon



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