
Former MP Lyashko appointed commander of UAV battalion: the Armed Forces explained why

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Radical Party leader Oleh Lyashko  has been appointed commander of the unmanned systems battalion of the 63rd Airborne Brigade for its high efficiency. This is stated in a statement of the 11th Army Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, UNN reports


Reportedly, Lieutenant Oleh Lyashko has proven himself in the following ways during his two years of service in this brigade: 

  • As for unmanned systems, he immediately began to delve deeply into their essence and their role on the battlefield, realizing their importance;
  • During his tenure in positions related to unmanned systems, work was organized to repel a significant number of mechanized assaults, and hundreds of pieces of equipment and enemy manpower were destroyed;
  • In September, the 63rd Separate Mechanized Brigade Combat Team was ranked among the top 10 units in terms of effectiveness among units and formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in terms of defeating enemy manpower, military equipment and other assets using unmanned systems.

Given the above, the command of the 63rd Mechanized Brigade and the 11th Army Corps made the appropriate personnel decision to appoint Lieutenant Lyashko Oleh Valeriyovych to the position of commander of the unmanned systems battalion of the 63rd Separate Mechanized Brigade

- the 11th Army Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said in a statement.

У застосунку "Армія+" з'являться навчальні курси та програма лояльності для військових - Міноборони13.10.24, 15:25

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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