
For two years of war, Russia has not achieved its strategic goals - Vadym Skibitskyi

 • 29916 переглядiв

Russia has failed to achieve its strategic goals in Ukraine by failing to capture key regions and constantly extending deadlines, says Vadym Skibitsky, a Ukrainian intelligence official.

The strategic objectives set by Russia at the beginning of the so-called "war" have not been achieved in two years of war. This was stated by Vadym Skibitskyi, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in an interview for the podcast "(Un)Safe Country," UNN reports .


Skibitsky said that among Russia's objectives was the seizure of  Ukrainian territories along the entire left bank of the Dnipro River - according to the Russian plan of 2022, their army was supposed to reach the river by the end of 2023.

Moscow has also repeatedly declared its intention to fully occupy Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The task has not been accomplished. They (the Russians - ed.) are constantly moving the deadlines: it was last spring, then autumn, then until January 1, 2024, and now until March 1 of this year, that is, until the "elections"

Vadym Skibitskyi reminded.

He added that the progress made by the Moscow aggressor on the frontline will not allow it to achieve full occupation of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Vadym Skibitskyi emphasized the change in the tactics of assaults at the front: powerful columns are not used for combat operations. Mostly  attacks are carried out by small groups of 10-12 assault troops.

The modern battlefield is dynamic and transparent: UAVs, spacecraft, and other intelligence assets allow us to fully control the situation. Any unit or grouping of troops that moves forward to perform any task can be detected and destroyed in a matter of minutes either by artillery fire or a missile strike

said a representative of the Ukrainian military intelligence.

Vadym Skibitskyi noted that one of the Kremlin's main tasks now is to hold the seized Ukrainian territories.

Зміна режиму і розпад рф: Скібіцький розповів про найбільші страхи кремля 22.12.23, 20:12

And as long as Ukraine restrains Moscow's full-scale aggression, there will be no military threat to other European states, particularly those bordering Russia.

Our assessment is very simple - today, the entire resource of the ground component of the Russian army  is now targeted and located on our territory

Vadim Skibitsky said

Lilia Podolyak



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