
Farmers from frontline regions can receive sunflower seeds free of charge: who will receive assistance

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The government will provide free sunflower seeds to farmers in the frontline and affected areas who previously applied for corn seeds but did not have sufficient stocks, allowing them to cultivate 5 to 500 hectares in several regions and potentially generate about UAH 360 million in revenue.

The government is ready to provide sunflower seeds free of charge to farmers from the frontline and affected areas who previously applied for corn seeds, but did not have enough stocks. This was stated by the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, UNN reports .


 Up to 40 sowing units (one sowing unit is 150 thousand seeds) of sunflower will be available to agricultural producers cultivating 5 to 500 hectares in such areas:

  • Dnipropetrovsk
  • Kyivska
  • Kharkivska,
  • Sumy
  • Chernihiv.

Посівна 2024: аграрії засіяли майже 70 тисяч гектарів ранніх ярих зернових попри війну11.03.24, 23:09

Assistance is offered to farmers who previously applied through the State Agrarian Register (SAR) for corn seeds, but did not have enough stocks of the crop 

- the Ministry of Reintegration said. 

The agency emphasizes that there is no need to submit a new application through the SAS. The organizers will contact those who have applied for corn seeds themselves.


In total, Lidea Ukraine will deliver 2,858 sowing units of sunflower to farmers through the USAID AGRO Program. The delivery will be organized by the All-Ukrainian Association of Communities.

The Ministry of Reintegration predicts that the harvest from the donated seeds will bring farmers approximately UAH 360 million in revenue. This will help restore agricultural production in war-affected communities.


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a procedure for compensating farmers for 80% of the costs of humanitarian demining of their own or leased agricultural land, which aims to speed up the cleanup of contaminated areas and enable businesses to resume operations in the de-occupied territories.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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