
EU agrees to reduce packaging waste by 15% by 2040 and plans to ban plastic sauce packets

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The EU has agreed on a preliminary revision of packaging rules that paves the way for a 15% reduction in waste by 2040 and bans plastic sauce packets and shrink wrap at airports, as well as introduces a pan-European bottle return scheme.

The EU has agreed on a preliminary form of a controversial revision of packaging rules that paves the way for a 15% reduction in waste, a ban on plastic sauce bags, and a pan-European bottle return scheme. This was reported by Euractiv, according to UNN.


The revision of the EU's Packaging Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR), which was preliminarily adopted on March 4, envisages a 15% reduction in packaging use by 2040, as well as a restriction on the use of single-use plastic packaging for sauces such as mayonnaise and cosmetics.

For the first time, EU environmental legislation sets targets for reducing packaging consumption, regardless of the material used

- said French MEP Frédéric Ries.

Packaging is a €370 billion business in Europe. Over the past ten years, Europeans have produced 25% more waste, and by 2030, the amount will increase by another 19%, which is a quarter of a ton of waste per citizen.

Франція заборонить одноразове пакування та посуд у ресторанах швидкого харчування19.12.22, 20:39 • [views_472785]

In addition to the overall goal of a 5% reduction by 2030, which is the first step, the agreement includes restrictions for specific products. Starting in 2030, fruits and vegetables will no longer be wrapped in single-use plastic, and luggage will not be shrink-wrapped at airports. Plastic sauce packets will also be banned, while their paper counterparts will be allowed.

PFAS, known as "everlasting chemicals," will be banned from use in packaging that comes into contact with food.


The agreement will be used to draft a law that must be approved by the European Parliament's plenary assembly and EU countries. Some EU countries have expressed their dissatisfaction with the agreed agreement. In particular, Italian Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto said that negotiations are ongoing in anticipation of the final text of the agreement.

У Литві хочуть заборонити пластиковий посуд в кафе та на масових заходах27.12.23, 02:33


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