
Estonian President Karis: It would be fair to use frozen assets of russia to rebuild Ukraine

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Estonia calls for the use of frozen russian assets to rebuild Ukraine and supports the Ukrainian peace formula.

Estonia calls on allies to use frozen russian assets to rebuild Ukraine. This was stated by Estonian President Alar Karis during a joint press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, an UNN correspondent reports.


Alar Karis noted that Estonia has specific plans to rebuild Ukraine in the coming years.

It would be fair to use the frozen assets of the russian aggressor along the way. We are currently discussing proposals with our allies on how this can be done. We are convinced that the aggressor must pay for the restoration of Ukraine

- said the President of Estonia.

He also emphasized that the Ukrainian peace formula is the only way to achieve peace.

And we are actively working to achieve this. We will not rest until the deported children return. Until those responsible are brought to justice

- the President added.


Estonian President Alar Karis opposes restrictions on Ukraine's use of Western weapons against russia, favoring unlimited support.

Bloomberg: Білий дім підтримує конфіскацію заморожених російських активів11.01.24, 05:45

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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