
Enemy strategic aviation launched cruise missiles from the Engels area

 • 127201 переглядiв

Strategic aviation launched X-101/555/55 cruise missiles from the Engels area.

Launches of enemy cruise missiles X-101/555/55 by strategic aviation from the Engels area were recorded.  This was reported by journalist Andriy Tsaplienko, according to UNN.    

Missiles of the X-101/555/55 type were previously launched from Tu-95s in the Saratov region of the russian federation.

- Andriy Tsaplienko informed .


According to the information, the approximate time of entry of the missiles into the airspace of Ukraine is after 05:00.

Стратегічний бомбардувальник Ту-95МС злетів з аеродрому "Енгельс-2"31.03.24, 01:22

Julia Kotvitskaya



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