
Enemy attacked Nikopol district 12 times during the day, damaging houses, power lines and cars - OVO

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During the day, russian forces attacked Nikopol district in Ukraine 12 times, damaging residential buildings, infrastructure and vehicles, and killing one person.

During the day, the enemy attacked Nikopol district 12 times. The occupiers damaged 17 private houses and 11 outbuildings, an infrastructure facility and power lines, a combine harvester and cars. This was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional Military Administration Serhiy Lysak, UNN reports.


17 private houses and 11 outbuildings. An infrastructure facility and power lines. A combine harvester and passenger cars. The enemy has destroyed all of this in Nikopol region just today. Nikopol itself, Myrovska and Marhanetska communities were under attack. The occupiers were targeting with kamikaze drones and artillery. A total of 12 attacks on the area during the day

- Lysak wrote.

He added that a person was killed by russian shelling.

росіяни вдарили по Нікополю з артилерії: загинула 61-річна жінка28.02.24, 15:50


On the evening of February 28, Russian occupation forces dropped unmanned aerial vehicles on the village of Velykyi Burlukin the Kupiansk district of Kharkiv region. The Russian attack killed at least two people, including a child.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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