
Enemy shelling resulted in power outages at substations and consumers in Kharkiv region, lines were disconnected in two other regions - Ministry of Energy

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The enemy attacks resulted in power outages at substations and consumers in Kharkiv region. Overhead lines were damaged in Donetsk and Poltava regions. The situation in the power system remains difficult.

Enemy shelling in the Kharkiv region resulted in power outages at substations and consumers. Also in Donetsk and Poltava regions, overhead lines were disconnected as a result of enemy attacks. This was reported by the Ministry of Energy, UNN writes.

Consequences of enemy shelling

Kharkiv region: as a result of hostile shelling, substations and the household consumers connected to them were de-energized during the day. The power supply was partially restored, but due to repeated shelling, consumers were cut off again. 

Equipment was damaged during the shelling of one of the power facilities, and emergency repair work is underway.

Donetsk region: overhead power lines were disconnected as a result of shelling. Consumers did not lose power.

Poltava region: during the air alert, overhead lines were briefly disconnected. During the inspection, damage was found on one of the overhead lines as a result of a UAV falling.

"The situation in the power system remains difficult. Due to the large-scale damage caused by massive enemy attacks, the system remains vulnerable. In addition, Russian troops continue daily shelling of the energy infrastructure," the Ministry of Energy noted.

Situation at ZNPP

"The water level in the cooling pond is 14.52 meters. This is enough to meet the needs of the plant," the Ministry of Energy said.

Споживання електрики знижується, графіки усю добу, без світла 563 населені пункти - Укренерго02.09.24, 11:36

Julia Shramko



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