
Due to the attack, Russia suspended transportation on one of the bus routes from Kherson

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A passenger bus in the Kherson region was attacked, temporarily suspending transportation on the Kherson-Kizomys route until about June 20.

A passenger bus in Kherson region was attacked, temporarily suspending transportation on the Kherson-Kizomys route until about June 20, the Kherson RMA reported on Monday, UNN reports.


"As a result of an enemy attack on a passenger bus, the Kherson Bus Terminal - Kizomys route has been temporarily suspended. The estimated date for the resumption of transportation is June 20," the RMA reported on Telegram.

Residents of Kizomys were reminded that free evacuation of people from dangerous settlements in Kherson region continues.

російський обстріл пошкодив 3 будинки та газопровід у Херсонській області16.06.24, 08:20

Julia Shramko



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