
Due to bad weather, 47 settlements in Zaporizhzhia region are completely de-energized

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Bad weather left 47 settlements in Zaporizhzhia Oblast without power, affecting more than 16,000 consumers.

As a result of the deteriorating weather conditions, 54 settlements in Zaporizhzhia Oblast have lost power, including 7 partially. More than 16 thousand consumers are left without electricity. This was reported by the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional State Administration Yuriy Malashko, UNN reports. 

Due to the bad weather, 54 settlements in the region are without power, including 7 partially. More than 16 thousand customers are without electricity. About 10 thousand are in the regional center

- Malashko wrote on Telegram.

According to him, 26 brigades and 23 units of equipment are involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the bad weather. 

Snow removal equipment is working on the roads of the region, more than  400 kilometers of roads have been cleared, and about 350 tons of sand and salt mixture have been used. There are currently no significant traffic complications. But it should be borne in mind that there is icing and ice in some places, Malashko said. 

The head of the OBA also called for refusing to travel by car unless absolutely necessary. 


Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, there will be ice on the roads of Ukraine,  I level of danger. The temperature at night will drop to - 20 degrees, and during the day the air will warm up to 7 degrees below zero.  

Tatiana Kraevskaya



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