
Dried apricots for UAH 550: wasteful tenders cut off in Odesa Oblast and one of AH heads detained

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The Transparency and Accountability Working Group in Odesa analyzed and rejected wasteful tenders that included overpriced goods and unnecessary construction. Law enforcement agencies were informed and one ATC head was detained.

Oleh Kiper , head of the Odesa Regional Administrative Body, summed up today's meeting of the Transparency and Accountability Working Group, which regularly reviews tenders announced by local communities, UNN reports.

The first meeting of the Transparency and Accountability Group this year. We worked fruitfully. At the meeting, the group, together with representatives of local governments, law enforcement agencies and the public, reviewed another wasteful tender. In particular, procurement at inflated prices in one of the communities: juice at UAH 80 per liter, dried apricots at UAH 550 per kilogram, chicken fillet at UAH 215 per kg, sour cream at UAH 190 per kilogram, and more. Among the inappropriate tenders are the repair of sidewalks for UAH 750 thousand and bus stops for UAH 600 thousand, he said.

Kiper added that the materials of wasteful tenders have been collected and sent to law enforcement agencies. He also reminded that during today's meeting of the working group, one of the heads of the Odesa region's ATCs was detained.

"Law enforcement officers will provide all the detailed information and official comments. But I emphasize that the Odesa Regional State Administration is constantly cooperating with all law enforcement agencies. In fact, today's events confirm this," added the head of the DIA.

Робоча група при Одеській ОВА скасувала непотрібні тендери на третину мільярда гривень05.01.24, 16:26

As a reminder, during a meeting of the Transparency and Accountability working group at the Odesa Regional Administration, law enforcement officers detained Oleh Nimachuk, head of the Molohivska ATC.

Antonina Tumanova



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