
Donetsk region: Russian army focuses fire on 4 settlements

 • 21677 переглядiв

One person was killed and two were wounded in Donetsk region, 1777 Russian attacks were recorded.

In Donetsk region, 1777 attacks by Russian troops were recorded over the past day, including four localities, the regional police reported, UNN reports.


"During the day, 1777 hostile attacks were recorded. The Russian army focused its fire on 4 settlements: the towns of Krasnohorivka, Kurakhove, the village of Ostrye, and the village of Kalynove," the police reported on social media.

As reported, three residential buildings were damaged, all in Kalynove.

In Krasnohorivka, according to police, Russians killed a 69-year-old man and injured two other residents. In addition, it became known about a resident of Mykolayivka, Konstantinovka community, who was wounded a day earlier.

На Донеччині через ворожі обстріли загинув один житель, ще двоє поранені30.04.24, 08:32

Julia Shramko



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