
Director of Ukrnafta's department Sadovyi was served with a notice of suspicion for demanding UAH 160 thousand bribe

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The director of a department of PJSC Ukrnafta was accused of extorting UAH 160 thousand for assistance in concluding land use agreements.

The director of a department of PJSC Ukrnafta has been served a notice of suspicion of extortion of UAH 160 thousand for assistance in the execution of land use agreements. UNN reports with reference to the Prosecutor General's Office.

Under the procedural supervision of the Shevchenkivskyi District Prosecutor's Office of Kyiv, the director of one of the departments of PJSC Ukrnafta was served a notice of suspicion of receiving an unlawful benefit for influencing the company's officials authorized to conclude agreements on the use of the company's land plots (Part 3 of Art. 369-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)

- the statement said.

According to UNN's own sources, this is the head of Ukrnafta's HR department, Ihor Sadovyi.

It is reported that, according to the investigation, the suspect, while holding the position of head of the department of PJSC Ukrnafta, in 2018 offered his acquaintance to use and cultivate 30 hectares of land owned and managed by the Poltavaneftegaz department of PJSC Ukrnafta at her own expense.

Вимагав хабар за безперешкодне вивезення антикваріату за межі України: затримано чиновника МКІП15.02.24, 18:33

The Office of the Prosecutor General also informs that the suspect offered the woman to pay him personally UAH 80 thousand as an annual payment for the use of land. In 2022, due to problems with harvesting, the woman did not pay the official UAH 80 thousand for the use of land plots. After that, he started sending her messages in the messenger, threatening to take the land and interfere with harvesting.

In addition, it is reported that while using these plots, the woman repeatedly asked the official to conclude a formal agreement with her that would secure her right to use the land. However, the man emphasized that it was enough to pay him personally and assured her that there would be no problems.

During another meeting in December 2023, the woman again initiated the process of formalizing her right to use the land. In response to this proposal, the man said that first the woman had to pay him personally UAH 160 thousand for the use of the plots for 2022-2023, and only then would he help her and arrange with authorized persons to conclude land lease agreements with her

- the message says. 

The suspect received the bribe in several stages. Law enforcement officers detained him in accordance with Art. 208 of the CPC of Ukraine on receiving the second part - UAH 80 thousand. The issue of choosing a type of detention is currently being decided.

Колишню посадовицю Мінагрополітики, яку викрили на хабарі, засудили до 8 років тюрми 28.02.24, 09:53


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