
Demchenko: Activity of enemy subversive reconnaissance groups in Sumy region has decreased recently

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The activity of enemy subversive reconnaissance groups in Sumy region has recently decreased, although they still periodically try to infiltrate the territory of Ukraine.

The Sumy sector was the most active, where the enemy used its subversive reconnaissance groups, but their activity has recently decreased. However, the enemy has not completely abandoned it, and enemy subversive reconnaissance groups sometimes try to enter the territory of Ukraine.

This was stated by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during the telethon, UNN reports .


As for the enemy subversive reconnaissance groups, I have previously noted that the Sumy direction was the most active, where the enemy used its subversive reconnaissance groups to try to enter the territory of Ukraine, but recently their activity has been decreasing. Although the enemy has not completely abandoned this and enemy subversive reconnaissance groups sometimes try to enter the territory of Ukraine, we do not see such activity as before

- Demchenko said.

He also said that the situation in the area of Ryzhivka in Sumy region is under control.

There is no such attempt by the enemy as in the Kharkiv region to move deeper into the territory of Ukraine. The reports that the Russian troops posted that they had entered and fought back Ryzhivka are actually just an information and psychological operation, because this area remains under the control of the Defense Forces. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that this settlement is closely adjacent to the border line and the presence of Ukrainian soldiers there poses a threat to their lives. Therefore, the defense is built in such a way that the settlement remains in the gray zone, but Ukrainian soldiers continue to control this area, including with the help of drones

- Demchenko added.


In the Sumy region, there are attempts by Russians to cross the border , there are raids by their sabotage and reconnaissance groups, but Ukraine has already taken all the necessary measures.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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