
Deputy Minister of Defense Umerov has a new adviser: what is known

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Bohdana Yarova, head of a civil society organization, was appointed an advisor to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Defense has appointed Bohdana Yarova, a member of the Public Anti-Corruption Council at the Ministry of Defense and head of the NGO "Dream of Children of Ukraine," as an advisor to the Deputy Minister of Defense. This is stated on the ministry's website, UNN reports.


According to the Ministry of Defense, Bohdana Yarova has been appointed as an advisor to the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine (on a voluntary basis).

"The appointment of Bohdana Yarova is a step towards fundamental changes in the system. Her experience and determination will leave no chance for corruption in procurement," said Deputy Defense Minister Dmytro Klimenkov.

Klimenkov emphasized that Yarovaya will strengthen the team of the Ministry of Defense to prevent corruption in procurement for the Armed Forces even more effectively


On April 10, 2023, then-Minister of Defense Oleksiy Reznikov approved the composition of the Public Anti-Corruption Council at the Ministry of Defense, which included Bohdana Yarova.

Bohdana Yarova complainedthat she no longer has anything to do with the procurement of the Defense Ministry. She also stated that the Public Anti-Corruption Council under the Defense Ministry was allegedly being ignored.

Pavlo Bashynskyi



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