
"Cotton" in Belgorod: Russian media report one dead and 14 wounded

 • 42225 переглядiв

At least one person is killed and 14 others are wounded in the Russian city of Belgorod as a result of shelling, with the Russian Defense Ministry claiming that Ukraine fired missiles at the city, although Ukraine has not commented on this.

At least one person was killed and 14 others were injured in the Russian city of Belgorod as a result of shelling, UNN reports citing the Astra Telegram channel.


According to the Russian Defense Ministry, twelve RM-70 Vampire rockets were allegedly fired at Belgorod.

Representatives of the Ukrainian authorities and the Armed Forces did not comment on this statement.

У бєлгороді "бавовна": горять машини, пошкоджені торгівельні центри11.05.24, 19:54


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